
Pain Relief

Should I See my Local Chiropractor or my Medical Doctor?


It’s safe to say that at Express Chiropractic in Keller, we have at least one patient a week make the following statement on their initial visit: “I wasn’t sure if I should come here or go to my medical doctor first.” When it comes to headaches, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, sciatic pain and [...]

Should I See my Local Chiropractor or my Medical Doctor?2024-12-20T14:13:22+00:00

Can You go to the Chiropractor Two Days in a Row?


You presented to the chiropractor with lower back pain, neck pain or a headache. You got adjusted and followed the home instructions such as applying ice to the areas of pain, modifying sleep postures and perhaps even doing some simple stretches. You wake the next day only to discover your condition is still just as [...]

Can You go to the Chiropractor Two Days in a Row?2024-12-20T14:33:51+00:00

Feeling Sore After a Massage? Here is Why


Massages are a good way to unwind and relax, allowing your body to let go of stress. However, there can be times when your body starts to feel soreness creep in after a massage. If this has been your first time experiencing it, you shouldn’t worry. This type of post massage soreness is common and [...]

Feeling Sore After a Massage? Here is Why2024-12-20T14:34:01+00:00
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