
chiropractor keller

How to be Content in Life


Between health issues, work and family stressors, financial burdens, fear of the unknown and a host of fires that pop up monthly, weekly or even daily, being happy and content with YOUR life can be one heck of a challenge. Here are a couple of hard and fast rules you can follow to ensure your [...]

How to be Content in Life2014-11-24T10:34:15+00:00

How do Knots Form in Muscles?


(View the full article written by Stephen at:  http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Do-I-Get-Knots-In-My-Muscles?&id=8623993 ) Imagine a highway flowing at a steady pace; then all of a sudden there is a wreck between two cars, then a third then a fourth and so on and so on until the highway is completely jammed and there is no traffic moving. The [...]

How do Knots Form in Muscles?2014-07-17T16:32:56+00:00

If You Are Not Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle You Are Choosing Illness


We've all heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (actually I'm not even sure that is how the saying goes but it's close - and it's true!).   As a chiropractor with more than 18 years of experience, it's safe to say I have seen people that were in good [...]

If You Are Not Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle You Are Choosing Illness2014-05-13T17:39:01+00:00
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