

Keller Chiropractor Food Drive Is A Success


Thanks to so many of you that donated to the 8th Annual Food Drive and shared our 'chiropractor near me hosts 8th annual food drive' messaging. It really made a difference and the local Community Storehouse food pantry was grateful to receive the non-perishable items to help stock their shelves for the upcoming Thanksgiving and [...]

Keller Chiropractor Food Drive Is A Success2021-05-14T00:56:12+00:00

Express Chiropractor Discusses 5 Foods That Help You Lose Weight


When it comes to weight loss, most people fall short or accomplish their goals using a program that is not sustainable or healthy. The result of many ‘fast weight loss’ diets is that some or a lot of weight is lost but it’s not lost in a way that is healthy for the body and [...]

Express Chiropractor Discusses 5 Foods That Help You Lose Weight2021-03-03T21:07:32+00:00

Keller Chiropractor Discusses Simple Steps to Reduce Your Diabetes Risk


According to a 2008 Physorg.com post, the number of Americans with diabetes has grown to about 24 million people, or roughly 8 percent of the U.S. population. As well, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based on data from 2007, estimates another 57 million people have a condition called pre-diabetes, which puts people at [...]

Keller Chiropractor Discusses Simple Steps to Reduce Your Diabetes Risk2020-12-12T13:52:06+00:00
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