
chiropractor keller

Is Stevia a Safe Alternative to Sugar?


A question that I have had several patients ask me over the last couple of years is “Is Stevia safe?” Based on the marketing information released by companies selling and promoting Stevia, the answer is yes.  Considering their findings might be a little biased, I dug a little to find out for myself. First of [...]

Is Stevia a Safe Alternative to Sugar?2012-08-08T19:09:03+00:00

5 Vegetables with Super Powers?


At our Keller chiropractic center we take wellness beyond just treating low back pain and into nutrition and overall health. Taking daily doses of high quality multi-vitamins and multi-minerals is certainly worthwhile, but don’t overlook the importance of real food to ensure your body is getting the nutrients you need. Here are 5 veggies that [...]

5 Vegetables with Super Powers?2021-12-01T03:11:56+00:00

Quick Tips to a Healthy Low Back


Never mind that low back pain is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. according to the CDC. While it’s an ‘impressive’ statistic, you can only really appreciate the agony of lower back pain if you have experienced it firsthand. And whether your low back pain is acute (flared up) or chronic (long-standing), it [...]

Quick Tips to a Healthy Low Back2012-07-11T08:17:50+00:00
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